Reminder: Don’t Lose Your 2013 Health Fund Benefits

31st DecThe end of the year is quickly approaching. This is the time of year when most health funds reset their annual benefits.  Most health funds do not roll over the benefits that are left unused as at 31 December, so the portion of your benefits not used by 31 December one year is lost on 1 January the following year.These are

Insight Into: The Solomon Islands

Children Dental CareRecently Medland Dental Centre was very pleased to be able to help out some of our patients, the Firrell family, to assist with the oral health of children in a small community within the Solomon Islands - Mavo Village.Mavo Village is located on Ramata Island, which is on the western end of the beautiful Marovo Lagoon,

Closure of the Medicare Teen Dental Plan

Earlier this year the Federal Government announced that the Medicare Teen Dental Plan would be closed at the end of this year. However, eligible teens will be able to access the Medicare Teen Dental Plan until 31 December 2013 and benefits will continue to be paid for services provided to eligible teenagers before the date of cl

Why are my teeth sensitive?

Do hot, cold, sweet or acidic foods and drinks, brushing or sometimes even just breathing in air make your teeth feel painful or uncomfortable?  Then you have sensitive teeth.  Tooth sensitivity is very common, it is estimated that over half the population experiences some degree of tooth sensitivity. Generally, sensitive teet

Are Amalgam (Metal Fillings) Safe?

  There has been a lot of publicity regarding the health effects of amalgam restorations (fillings), with people concerned about the mercury that comprises part of these metal fillings. The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the World Dental Federation (FDI) have jointly confirmed the safety of amalgam for dental treatment

Lifestyle Risks – Oral Piercings

Body piercing has become a popular form of self-expression as a fashion statement and is also a practice undertaken for cultural reasons. Significant health risks exist to individuals from the piercing process itself. With piercing salons mostly unregulated, the self-trained staff may have very little clinical and anatomical kn

Lifestyle Risks – Drugs

Drugs                    Drugs of all descriptions, whether they be vitamins or natural remedies, prescription medications or illegal drugs, can cause an imbalance in your mouth that can subsequently lead to dental problems. Prescription Medications, Vitamins and Natural Rem

Lifestyle Risks – Sports and Energy Drinks

teenager-sports-drinksMany young adults regularly use sports and energy drinks as a pick me up but may be unaware they contain high levels of both sugar and acid. Energy drinks additionally contain high levels of caffeine. Even diet or ‘zero’ options, as well as flavoured water varieties, contain plenty of tooth-eroding acids. Acidic drinks are

Lifestyle Risks – Alcohol and Alcohol Fuelled Violence

Although most young people know that moderate consumption of alcohol is better for their health, many are unaware of the high levels of sugar and acid in alcohol and the juice, soft or energy drinks in which it is mixed. Excessive regular intake will significantly increase the risk of dental decay and tooth erosion which washes

Why we choose not to be “preferred providers”?

We are often asked if we have a "preferred provider" relationship with private health insurance companies and why Medland Dental Centre has made the conscious decision not to be a health fund “preferred provider”.The term "preferred provider" is prone to misunderstanding. Being a "preferred p