What is vaping?

What is vaping - Medland DentalVaping laws are changing in Australia.  From the 1st of October 2021 consumers will require a prescription to purchase nicotine vaping products in Australia or import them from overseas.  So, what is vaping? Why should we be cautious of it? And what impact can it have on our oral health?  'Vaping' is the act of inhaling the

Don’t toss the floss!

Don't toss the floss - Medland DentalIt only takes 2 minutes a day.  So why is daily flossing such a big hurdle to overcome?  Let's be honest, it's an annoying chore.  One we are required to perform at often inconvenient times of the day.  It's not especially easy to complete and seems to make little difference to how our mouth functions on a day to day basis.Â

Our top 5 toothbrushing tips

Our top 5 brushing tips - MedlandBrushing your teeth. Sounds simple right?  In reality, effective toothbrushing is a skill many adults struggle with.  In fact, 1 in 5 adult Australian’s do not routinely brush twice a day.  As dental professionals, we see patients having difficulty with their brushing on a daily basis.  Toothbrushing is a fundam

Is your mouth making you unwell?

Is your mouth making you unwell? Medland DentalFor too long our oral health has been considered to be a separate entity to our overall health. The typical belief is that having good oral health means having a nice smile, and that tooth decay or gum disease are an inevitable part of life. The reality is, in fact, that oral health and general health are inexplicably linked, th

Dental Health Week 2021: Keep your smile for life!

Keep your smile for life - MedlandAt Medland Dental, we’re passionate about partnering with our patients to support their oral health. August 2nd - 8th is Dental Health Week, and we are proud to join with the Australian Dental Association to raise awareness about the importance of good oral health in our patients' lives. It should not be a normal expectation t

Medland Masterchef: Middle Eastern Spiced Lamb Shanks

Medland MasterchefThis recipe is a winter favourite for our Oral Health Therapist, Annika and her family. The recipe (from WA chef Russell Blaikie) features warm spices and sweet dates and makes for a hearty and warming winter meal. Ingredients: 50g butter 6 lamb shanks (ask your butcher to "tip" them - that is to take the top off the bone so th

I have a cold sore: Can I still attend my dental appointment

I have a cold Sore - can I still come to my dental appointment?Ouch! Cold sores can be uncomfortable as well as inconvenient. At Medland Dental, your safety when attending dental appointments is at the heart of every decision we make. As an Accredited Dental Practice, we always ensure that we meet the strict National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. Therefore, we would like to c

What is dry mouth?

What is dry Mouth - MedlandEveryone’s mouth feels dry from time to time.  It’s when this feeling doesn’t go away that you might have a problem with saliva production.   Saliva does more than just keep our mouths moist - it makes speech possible, keeps our breath fresh and helps us to taste, chew, swallow and digest food.  Saliva also plays an imp

Causes, Risks and Management of Dry Mouth

Do-you-suffer-from-dry-mouthA Decrease in Saliva Flow Can Impact Your Oral Health. Xerostomia, commonly known as dry mouth, can happen at any age and can be caused by simple things like not drinking enough liquids or from side effects of a medication or illness. Whatever the cause of your dry mouth, if left unchecked it can put you at an increased risk of

Training Central

Medland-Dental_training-central                    Ongoing training and development are paramount for our staff as we continuously strive to give each of our patient's exceptional treatment and care. As you can see below, the team has had a very busy quarter with professional development: The pract