Once again this year, Medland Dental Centre will be riding to help fight MS Our team of 8 riders, led by Dr Paddison will be participing in the MS Enerflex Brissie to the Bay Bike Ride on Sunday 22 June 2014. Our team is made up of friends, family, patients of Medland Dental Centre and staff members Dr James Yang, and Erica
The team at Medland Dental Centre are getting ready for another big year of fundraising for the MS Society. Many of you will already know how passionately MDC campaigns in support of the MS Society, however, may not know why. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affects young females more than any other group and MDC has been touched by
The fight against multiple sclerosis (MS) is a very personal one here at Medland Dental Centre. Our Kelly, who many of you will know, was diagnosed with MS six years ago after the birth of her second daughter. On 18 October 2013, Medland Dental Centre once again joined with the MS Society to participate in the MS Moon
If you log onto the Kiss Goodbye to MS website you will see some very familiar faces smiling back at you!Medland Dental Centre was delighted to find that an article had been written about the fantastic efforts of our staff, patients and practice in raising awareness and funds for MS Australia.Click here to read the art
May is MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Awareness Month. The fight against MS is a very personal one for us at MDC. Our beloved Kelly, whom many of you will know, was diagnosed with MS in 2008 after the birth of her second daughter. Kelly manages to maintain an active life, but there are many who aren’t as lucky. For Kelly, and oth
For those who see Dr Andrew Paddison you will know that he is a keen cyclist. What you may not know is that he has formed a Medland Dental Centre cycling team. The team is made up of both patients and staff and goes on regular monthly social rides. If you are interested in an excuse to have a coffee (and perhaps a recovery
The fight again multiple sclerosis (MS) is a very personal one here at Medland Dental Centre. Our beloved Kelly, who many of you will know, was diagnosed with MS five years ago after the birth of her second daughter. Once again MDC is joining with the MS Society to raise funds for those living with MS and to help research to fin