Focus on: School Lunches

Coming up with healthy, tasty and kid-friendly lunches can be a challenge, as every parent knows. Keeping these lunches tooth-friendly as well can make it even more of a challenge! Be careful of so called health bars, muesli bars, fruit roll-ups and dried fruit as they contain large amounts of concentrated sugar in the form of

Dentistry for Coeliacs

The incredible advancement of technology has allowed for many discoveries in health care, resulting in improved understanding of previously unrecognised diseases and eased suffering of countless people. Coeliac Disease is one particular example of this, where people who may have endured unexplained or misdiagnosed symptoms for y

Focus on: Fractured teeth

New toys, trampolines or just kids being kids can lead to a broken or chipped tooth over the holiday period. If you or your child chips or knocks out a tooth, click here for emergency information and details of what to do to minimise the trauma. However, it is not just accidents that can cause teeth to chip, fracture or break

What Sixty Years in Dentistry has taught us about Dental Fear Part Two

In Part One of this article, we highlighted the fact that, in 2018, the Australian Dental Association (ADA) reported that only 60.7% of Australians attended a Dentist in the past twelve months, and only 55% completed a dental examination and professional cleaning, or active maintenance as we, at Medland Dental, know it. These ra

Gut Health Boosting Drinks and their effect on Oral Health

As health practitioners, we love to hear our patients telling us they are looking after their bodies with diet and exercise. Lately, a lot of our patients have been talking to us about their efforts to improve their gut health. Good gut health can contribute to a stronger immune system, heart and brain health, improved mood and

Dentistry for Coeliacs

The incredible advancement of technology has allowed for many discoveries in health care, resulting in improved understanding of previously unrecognised diseases and eased suffering of countless people. Coeliac Disease is one particular example of this, where people who may have endured unexplained or misdiagnosed symptoms for y

Focus On: Diabetes and Dental Health

Diabetes and Dental Health                Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic disease with an estimated 280 Australians developing diabetes every day. By 2031 it is estimated that over 3 million Australians will have diabetes. Unfortunately, there are many adverse dental problems that are linked with

Tooth Erosion: Are you washing away your teeth?

Family Drinking JuiceThese days we are more aware of what we eat and drink and what we feed our children. We are more conscious about eating healthy, natural and nutritious foods and we have cut down on sugary soft drinks and replaced them with sugar free or "diet" drinks and healthy fruit juices and drinks. However, some of the healthiest foods for