2014 Buddha Birth Day Festival

Medland Dental Centre was proud to be silver sponsors of the 2014 Buddha Birth Day Festival. From the 2nd to the 4th of May Southbank came to life with celebrations including a diverse range of cultural performances and activities as well as a vegetarian food and fun fair. Our very own Dr James Yang is heavily involved in Brisba

Fundraising for the MS Society in 2014

MS fundraising 2014The team at Medland Dental Centre are getting ready for another big year of fundraising for the MS Society. Many of you will already know how passionately MDC campaigns in support of the MS Society, however, may not know why. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affects young females more than any other group and MDC has been touched by

New Zoom WhiteSpeed Whitening System

Philips_Zoom_Makers_MarkWe are excited to announce that we have just upgraded our Zoom Whitening programme to the newest system available - Zoom WhiteSpeedTM. With a new LED light and variable intensity settings, the treatment can now be customised  - making the procedure more effective and comfortable for you! The system also includes desensitisers

Mindy Medland’s Toothbrushing Timer gift to you!

Medland Kids ClubEvery Kids Club member will receive a Toothbrushing Timer at their next dental visit! As Easter is a particularly sugary time of year it is even more important to ensure children’s teeth are properly flossed and brushed every day. In this way we can prevent dental problems rather than having to fix them! This fun

What is an endodontist?

An endodontist is a dentist that has undergone specialist training and has completed a three year postgraduate Masters degree in the field of endodontics. They focus solely on root canal treatment and other procedures involving the pulp of the tooth (sometimes known as the tooth’s nerve) or root of a tooth. Because of this add

How to keep your teeth whiter with braces

Orthodontic treatment comes in many forms these days. Orthodontic treatment can correct a “bad bite”, enhance your smile and achieve amazing results. The most common form of orthodontic treatment, called braces, involves brackets that are bonded (“glued”) to the teeth for the duration of treatment as well

Cosmetic Dentistry: What Makes the Perfect Smile?

Your smile and eyes are the most engaging features of your face. A smile can brighten up someone’s day, attract a partner or make a stranger a friend. So what is it that makes the perfect smile? Everyone’s teeth are unique and as such there isn’t one particular type of smile that is perfect. Our teeth are different shapes

Focus On: Diets and Your Mouth

weight watchHave you started a diet as part of your New Year’s Resolutions? The holidays are traditionally a time to relax. We all eat more and exercise less. It is surprisingly easy to put on weight – more so as we get older.  Research undertaken by the Australian Bureau of Statistics reveals that 63% of Australian adults over 18 year

Thumb and Finger Sucking

Medland Kids ClubDoes your child suck their thumb or finger?  Thumb and finger sucking is a natural reflex that begins as early as in the womb. It is normal for young children to suck on thumbs, fingers and pacifiers as it provides a sense of security, helps them to relax and induces sleep. Most children stop sucking their thumbs betwe