To seal or not to seal? What are fissure sealants?

To seal or not to seal?Naturally deep grooves or ‘fissures’ occur primarily in the back teeth (molars and premolars) in both the primary and permanent dentition.  Despite our best toothbrushing efforts, these teeth can retain food and plaque (bacterial build-up) placing them at a much higher risk of developing tooth decay.  One way to help pre

When should my child see an oral health therapist, dentist or paediatric dentist?

Kids playing over the school holidaysIt's school holiday time again!During the school holidays, we often welcome more of our school-age patients into the practice. At your child's active maintenance appointment, their Dentist may discover that treatment is required or recommend preventive treatment for your child.Have you ever wondered why your child is cared for b

Focus on: Fractured teeth

Man with toothache holding the side of his face Tooth Fractures - Medland Brisbane's Trusted dentistNew toys, trampolines or just kids being kids can lead to a broken or chipped tooth over the holiday period. If you or your child chips or knocks out a tooth, click here for emergency information and details of what to do to minimise the trauma.However, it is not just accidents that can cause teeth to chip, fracture or break.

Active Maintenance Is The New Check-up

Active maintenance with our dental hygienists - MedlandMost of us don’t think twice about taking our cars for regular servicing and maintenance. We understand that the time and effort of booking a service is outweighed by the inconvenience and cost of having a breakdown.It’s easy to overlook this approach in other areas of life, and unfortunately, many people (65% of Australians