What Sixty Years in Dentistry has taught us about Dental Fear Part Two

Medland-Dental_what-60yrs-in-Dentistry-has-taught-usIn Part One of this article, we highlighted the fact that the Australian Dental Association (ADA) reported that only 60.7%* of Australians visited a Dentist in the past twelve months, and only 55%* completed a dental examination and professional cleaning or active maintenance as we, at Medland Dental, know it. These rates ar

What Sixty Years in Dentistry has taught has about dental fear – Part One

Man running away from a monster with the image title being what sixty years of dentistry has taught us about dental fearIt is safe to say that we as humans are driven to seek pleasure and avoid pain, and in the past Dentistry undoubtedly was considered to be in the latter category. While Dentistry has moved forward in leaps and bounds, it seems that some people are still avoiding regular dental care. In fact, the Australian Dental Association

It’s nice to know you’re in safe hands

Medland Dental Accredited Practice                Medland Dental's long history of commitment to technical excellence and exceptional patient care has firmly established us as one of Brisbane’s leading private dental practices. Our dedication to our patients is not only evident in the care we provide, in that spe

Why does my mouth feel dry after menopause?

Dental Health for Women - MedlandIf you’re going through menopause, which most women undergo between the ages of 47 and 55, you may have noticed a pronounced decline in your hormone levels. Just like hormonal changes during pregnancy has an affect on your mouth, so can the hormonal changes during menopause. During menopause these changes may lead to a range o