Alternative Options to Dentures

A tooth or teeth may need to be removed when they have been severely affected by dental decay, infection, fracture or periodontal disease. In most cases it is important to replace these missing teeth not only for appearance reasons, but to ensure that the position of the neighbouring teeth remains stable and to ensure effective

What can I do about bad breath?

Bad breath (also known as halitosis) is unfortunately a frequent source of embarrassment and anxiety for many people. There are a number of possible causes for bad breath including nasal and sinus infections leading to post nasal drip; respiratory or gastric issues; smoking; high protein diets; dry mouth; gingivitis or perio

Do wisdom teeth have to be removed?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, begin to erupt between the ages of 16 and 24. Some people win the genetic lottery and don’t develop wisdom teeth or don't develop all four wisdom teeth, while others can have more than the usual four. Why should wisdom teeth be removed? It is not always necessary for wisdom teeth to b

What is a root canal treatment?

Also known as endodontics, root canal treatment is essentially a process of cleaning, shaping and then filling the inner canals of your tooth. Root canal treatment is required most commonly when decay extends through the enamel and dentine and then finally into the nerve of the tooth which leads to inflammation and/or infection.

Focus on: Children’s Dental Health

Dental decay is the most common infectious disease currently experienced by Australian children.  Dental decay is a preventable condition however, by the age of six, over half of all Australian children will have at least one decayed tooth.  Infection and toothache caused by dental decay is presently the second most co

Don’t lose your entitlement to claim dental expenses

WarningA couple of weeks ago we announced changes to the Net Medical Expense Tax Offset that took effect this financial year. (Click here to view this article again). You may be interested to know that further changes were announced to this tax offset in the recent Federal Budget. The Federal Government will be "phasing out&q

MS Society writes article about Medland Dental Centre

If you log onto the Kiss Goodbye to MS website you will see some very familiar faces smiling back at you!Medland Dental Centre was delighted to find that an article had been written about the fantastic efforts of our staff, patients and practice in raising awareness and funds for MS Australia.Click here to read the art

Extended Opening Hours

Following the popularity of our recent trial of extended opening hours, we are pleased to announce that Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings will now be permanent additions to our opening hours.  Dr Morrison, Dr Yang and Dr Shields now have appointments available on Saturday mornings, and the majority of our dentists and

Kiss Goodbye to MS!

May is MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Awareness Month. The fight against MS is a very personal one for us at MDC. Our beloved Kelly, whom many of you will know, was diagnosed with MS in 2008 after the birth of her second daughter. Kelly manages to maintain an active life, but there are many who aren’t as lucky. For Kelly, and oth