Mouthguards – Defend your Smile

Kids mouthguards for sportSchool sports are kicking off so it is time to ensure that your child’s smile is protected with a mouthguard. Sporting accidents are one of the most common causes of dental injury. Every year thousands of people, including children, are treated for dental injuries that could have been avoided or minimised by wearing a protecti

Tooth Erosion: Are you washing away your teeth?

Family Drinking JuiceThese days we are more aware of what we eat and drink and what we feed our children. We are more conscious about eating healthy, natural and nutritious foods and we have cut down on sugary soft drinks and replaced them with sugar free or "diet" drinks and healthy fruit juices and drinks. However, some of the healthiest foods for

I’m Afraid Of The Dentist – What Can I Do?

                      At Medland Dental one of our main goals is to make our patients feel more at ease and comfortable during dental treatment.  From your first contact, it's obvious that Medland Dental is not your average dental practice.  When you walk throug

Focus on: Are Dental Cavities Contagious?

Focus on: Are Dental Cavities Contagious?Did you know that dental disease is contagious? Just like the germs that cause a cold or flu can be passed from person to person, so can the germs that cause decay! However, dental decay is even more common than a cold or flu making dental decay is the most common infectious disease in the world. Most of us already know that de

Ensure you only create happy memories on your holidays

Over the years we have seen many people return from overseas after having had a dental "holiday" and we have helped them through the associated problems that have unfortunately occurred with their treatment. Recently there was a lot of media attention regarding the introduction by a major Australian health fund of dental and me

Don’t lose your health fund benefits for 2015

                    The end of the year is quickly approaching. This is the time of year when most health funds reset their annual benefits.  Most health funds do not roll over the benefits that are left unused as at 31 December, so the portion of your benefits not use

Focus On: The Jaw Joint – Clicking, Locking and Pain

The jaw joint (as known as the temporomandibular joint or TMJ) is a very hard working part of our body. It is involved with all aspects of our life – talking, eating, breathing, swallowing and laughing (not to mention grinding, clenching, fingernail or pen chewing....)  The joint can absorb a surprisingly large amount of forc

Does having a baby draw the calcium out of my teeth?

                  The association between pregnancy and damage to a mother's teeth is not a new concept. The old wives tale that “You lose a tooth for every baby” still causes Mothers to fret about their oral health – despite the tale being completely false! Similarly,

Focus on: That Sugar Film

With Easter on our doorstep, maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet often hops out the window along with the Easter bunny! The Australian Dental Association (ADA) urges all Australians to watch “That Sugar Film”, which aims to raise awareness of the effects of a high sugar diet on a healthy body. “That Sugar Film”

Focus on: Dental Developmental Defects – “Chalky Teeth”

Developmental Dental Defects (D3) is a term used to broadly describe anomalies that occur during the formation of the tooth inside a child’s jaw. Several different types of defects can occur, depending on which process of development is affected. Some D3s affect all of the teeth, whereas others only affect a few, and they vary