Don’t lose your health fund benefits for 2015

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The end of the year is quickly approaching. This is the time of year when most health funds reset their annual benefits.  Most health funds do not roll over the benefits that are left unused as at 31 December, so the portion of your benefits not used by 31 December one year is lost on 1 January the following year.

These are benefits for which you have already paid and are entitled.

If you have recently discussed treatment with your dentist and would like to utilise your health fund benefits for 2014, please call our Front Office Coordinators on 3426 5777 or request an appointment online, and be sure to let us know that you would like to complete your treatment before 31 December.

We will make every effort to ensure that we secure you a time before the end of the year. However, we do recommend calling as soon as possible as this is a very heavily booked time of the year as many of our patients plan their treatment just before the end of the calendar year!